How To Apply For The AZ Elk & Pronghorn 2023 Draw



I almost cried last year. 

I woke up the day after the Arizona deer drawing deadline ended, and I realized I had forgotten to apply. I had my calendar marked but it slipped away, my thoughts a million miles away during a big remodel on our house. 

It may have been the saddest moment of my life.

And I don’t want it to happen to you! Read on to learn all about how to apply for 2023 Elk and Pronghorn tags this year.

The deadline is at Midnight Feb 14th. Mark Your Calendar!

Watch this video from the guys over at GoHunt. I’ve been learning a lot from them as we apply to hunt in different states across the west this year. 

They do a great job of summarizing the intricacies of applying in Arizona. To sum it up – there are more people that want to hunt than there are tags in our state, so you must educate yourself on the draw and how it works!

Also pick up a copy of the 2023 AZ Hunting Regulations and study up.

Attend the next Wild Meat Retreat so you’ll feel confident you can make the shot and process your elk when the big moment comes. 

The Best Vacuum Sealer For Hunters We’ve tried many sealers over the years and upgraded to a chamber-style vacuum sealer this season. It makes a

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